Roberto Zugnoni

musica zugnoni
Roberto Zugnoni

Organista e artista musicale italiano, interprete e compositore . Attualmente docente nelle scuole e titolare di organo da chiesa in regioni nella Svizzera. Accompagnatore di cori e altri generi di musica sacra ha composto diversi brani musicali per organo, coro, organo e coro, pianoforte e altri strumenti orchestrali o gruppi strumentali.

Italian organist and musical artist, performer and composer. Currently teacher in schools and owner of church organ in the canton
of Grisons in Switzerland. Accompanist of choirs and other genres of sacred music, he composed various musical pieces for organ,
choir, organ and choir, piano and other orchestral instruments or instrumental groups.

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Roberto Zugnoni organ compositions

News 25.04.2022

My organ compositions can be found at (go directly to the site page